Category Archives: Book Reviews

Video No. 18 Pilates Book Review – “Sports Pilates – How to Prevent and Overcome Sports Injuries” Paul Massey

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Check out my first video book-review below. In this case I reviewed Paul Massey’s “Sports Pilates – How to Prevent and Overcome Sports Injuries.” book. Please comment on my facebook page and let know what you think about the review or/and the book yourself in case you own it.
Feel free to make any suggestions what other types of fitness, Pilates or exercises books, products or equipment you would like to see a review on. – Thank you – Martin

Here the website links where you can buy the book:
(1) “Sports Pilates, How to Prevent and Overcome Injuries.”
(2) Book Depository “Sports Pilates, How to Prevent and Overcome Injuries.”
(unavailable from the Book Depository at the time of my video book review – 15.01.2018)