Tag Archives: Pilates Dublin

Video 25 – 5min Video with Home/Office Neck & Back Stretching and Loosening Exercises

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Check this  5-minute Trial Video with a few different neck and back stretching and loosening exercises below.

A few of my morning Pilates Class participants asked me to create a simple video that they can do at home, during the August 2018 class break.
The video will give you a few useful ideas and a routine that you can do in your own time.

Feel free to share this video with anybody who sits the whole day, or most of the day in an office, on a desk or computer needs some relaxing and stretching.
You could do those exercises also as an easy
(1) morning loosening sequence or routine,
(2) in between during the day as a work break or
(3) as mentioned above as a break from your desk or computer.

Please let me know what you think of the video, what is the sound quality like, can you see me clearly etc.?
Depending on feedback I hope to record a good few similar videos with more ideas for simple and easy to do stretches and other exercises.

And remember to share this video with someone who you think would benefit from those stretches etc..
It just takes 5-minutes, and you will feel so much after doing them.
_ Martin