Tag Archives: Core Strength Exercises

Video – Sample Pilates Class (Mens Pilates & Core Strength) Program/Routine and the importance of balancing your exercise routine.

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In the video below you see me talking you through a sample “Men Only Pilates & Core Strength Class” Routine and Program. The exercise routine was taken from one of the Mens Pilates classes, that I’m teaching in South Dublin, Ireland in Sandyford/Leopardstown in the Sandyford Community Centre.

I firmly believe that keeping your exercise and fitness regimes and programs * balanced is essential to prevent overuse * of muscle groups and joints etc..
Here a few examples re how to pair exercises to maintain balance.
If you work x … then work y …
1. If you work your chest, work your back
2. If you work your thighs, work your hamstrings
3. If you work your abdominals/abs/stomach, work your mid/lower back
4. If you work your biceps, work your triceps
5. If you work your right, work your left (e.g. neck, shoulders, etc.)

I still see it in lots of exercise classes, some personal training programs etc. that fitness instructors and personal trainers prescribe routines that are out of balance and will lead to issues in the long term if one body part or muscle group is un-proportionally stronger/weaker than it’s opposite body part or muscle group.
You should keep this idea also in mind when creating your weekly or monthly exercise program – balance your exercise week or month similarly.
Here you ideally mix (1) Strength Exercises, (2) Cardio Exercises, (3) Mobility and Flexibility Exercises, (4) Core Strength and (5) Stability exercises (possibly also Balance depending on your age profile, sport or physical activities).

Contact me with any question you might have about this “Keeping the Balance Concept” or above video.

Stay Pro-Active, Stay Fit and mainly Stay Healthy!
Thank you – Martin