Christmas Gift Vouchers in South Dublin for Fitness Exercise Pilates Classes, Personal Training

buy Christmas Gift Vouchers in south Dublin Pilates Nutrition Fintess Exercise Personal Trainer Martin LuschinGive the Gift of Health, Fitness and Well-Being this Christmas. Allowing a friend, relative, partner or colleague to be more energetic and feel fab about themself.
From first of December 2016 onward you can buy Christmas Gift Vouchers online on my website. This might be for (1) Nutrition & Food Coaching, (2) Pilates & Core Strength Classes – general mixed gender, Over 60s or Men Only Pilates, (3) Personal Training or Buddy Training Sessions, (4) Kettlebell sessions, (5) Health Coaching. Read more here or purchase a voucher online now.

1 thought on “Christmas Gift Vouchers in South Dublin for Fitness Exercise Pilates Classes, Personal Training

  1. Anne G.

    Martin my married son of 43 is obese
    Has no exercise regime eats junk food and takeaways. Has controlled HB. I’m worried and discussed a personal trainer as a Xmas gift. It was a thorny subject to approach but he has agreed to to do this for his wife and children. I would like to know how much and where sessions take place. He lives in D16. Regards Anne


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